Yaro Starak – Blog Mastermind 2.0

Yaro Starak – Blog Mastermind 2.0

Yaro Starak – Blog Mastermind 2.0

Make A Minimum Of

$10,000 To As Much As $55,000

Per Month, Blogging Part Time

The Only Step-By-Step Blog Program With Genuine Life Changing
Success Stories From Every Day People — And You Can Be Next!

A Proven Pathway To Full-Time Internet
Income WITHOUT Selling Your Soul!

Blogging is one of the most straight forward methods to start an internet business. It is financially lucrative, personally satisfying, can be built on something you already enjoy, and (in my experience) is by far the best way to get started making money online.

You don’t need a lot of equipment, money, or even writing skills.

I’m convinced anyone can start a blog from scratch, build an audience, and have a genuine income potential of anywhere from $10,000 up to $55,000 per month or more, if they follow the steps I’m about to reveal to you.

Yes, you can do it, too.

Blog Mastermind is for:

  • People who are tired of sitting on the fence and want to start earning a generous income online doing something you love
  • Bloggers and online publishers who are looking for a way to generate MUCH more income from your blog with LESS time and effort.
  • Coaches, Experts, Authors, Speakers, Trainers, or Entrepreneurs who want to use a blog as a marketing tool to establish authority, to “Build A Platform”, generate BUZZ, attract new business and create a massive competitive advantage in your niche.

Blog Mastermind Is Live!

(NEW Version)

I’d Like To Invite You To Enroll In The Next Round Of
My Blog Mastermind Program

Here’s exactly what you get as a Blog Mastermind member…

The foundation of the program are the multimedia workshops, where I personally guide you through each of the key steps to create your blog business platform.

There are six (6) workshops in all, each broken up into concise modules that you can study at your own pace. I recommend you complete one workshop per week, which is just one module a day (a very realistic goal!).

All the workshops are video presentations you can watch online inside the Blog Mastermind private members area, or download and take them with you as portable files on your smartphone, tablet or laptop. They are also available in MP3 audio-only and text PDF transcripts with slides.

The content is focused on how to turn your blog into a full time income stream, with step-by-step instructions and actions for you to take at the end of each workshop, so you not only learn, you take action and get real results.

Here’s an outline of what you’ll find in each workshop:

How To Set-Up Your “Blog Sales Funnel” To Make Money From Day One

The first workshop focuses on the BIG PICTURE – the overall platform you are going to create as the basis for your online business.

I teach a unique system called the “Blog Sales Funnel”. This means you are going to combine a focused niche blog and a problem-solving email list to sell your own digital products and services.

By the end of the first workshop you will have created your first Blog Sales Funnel.

In this workshop I reveal:

  • How to quickly set up the core technology you need: the blog itself and your email list (I’ll introduce you to people who can set this up for you)
  • A proven research process to determine what your target market will buy so you never have to “guess”
  • What is the single best FIRST BLOG POST you should make (every blog should have this key article)
  • How to set up vital blog pages you need to create strong rapport and turn new visitors into loyal repeat readers
  • A paint-by-numbers formula for writing a killer headline that you will use to invite people on to your email list
  • How to optimize your blog for maximum email subscriptions from day ONE (Hint: It has a lot do with where you place the email optin form on your blog)
  • How to craft your first successful offer (offering a product to your audience for sale) without requiring any pushy sales “tricks” or hypey language

By the end of this first workshop you will know exactly who your target audience are, how you are going to help them (and make money doing so!) and will have set up all the key components for your basic automated blog sales funnel (your blog and your email list).

Email Marketing Mastery: A Step-By-Step Template To Create An Automated Email Sequence That Sells

This second workshop builds on the first one, giving you the EXACT EMAILS to write and the SEQUENCE TO SEND THEM to make sales of your digital products.

There is no point building up your audience until you are certain about what you want them to do once they get to your blog. This workshop will answer that question, and give you the exact process to take people through after they discover your blog.

In this workshop I reveal:

  • Basic email marketing training so you know exactly how automated emails can be used to sell digital products on autopilot
  • The most powerful psychological triggers that grab attention and engage your audience (to make sure people read your emails and click your links!)
  • How to set up an automated “new visitor experience” that converts first time blog readers into paying customers
  • When you should send emails, how many you should send and what types of emails to send
  • The importance of “preselling” and how to use this content-driven concept to have your blog audience asking to buy things from you before you even make an offer
  • My 9 email “templates”: the exact email formats I use in my business responsible for almost every cent I have ever made online as a blogger
  • A step-by-step task sheet to map out a two-week email sequence that is a proven sales machine, which you can plug straight into your blog

This workshop is an email writing bootcamp, a complete course in and of itself. I promise if you apply what you learn in workshop two you will recoup the cost of Blog Mastermind more than three-fold at minimum.

How To Create Blog Content That Magnetically Attracts Devoted Readers

Workshop three is where the serious blogging begins. The first two workshops establish your platform for turning blog visitors into customers. Now it’s time to build-out the platform with content and start to cement your authority.

In this workshop you learn:

  • The 7 key blog post formats that lead to the most traffic
  • How to create a Personal Brand so strong that you become THE dominant figure in your industry or niche
  • What 3 blog articles you need to publish during your first month of blogging.
  • How to produce Authentic Content and why this one ingredient is the difference between success and mediocrity
  • When and where to include create multi-media content in your blog posts
  • How to choose the best content schedule that leverages your strengths
  • The 80/20 Rule of blog content: How to get more results from less content
Advanced Traffic Techniques To Automate Your In-Bound Visitor Flow

These are what I call high-leverage traffic strategies and tactics. When you implement these techniques your traffic will grow AUTOMATICALLY. This is a key to a true 2 hour work day blogging lifestyle.

These are the strategies that can turn you from an average blogger with a few hundred readers, to an A-List blogger with thousands of regular readers and authority in your niche.

These are the Secret Weapons I used to build up my blog

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • How to tap into big traffic sources even when you are just starting out and no-one knows who you are
  • What is the current modern ‘best-practice’ for search engine optimization, especially when it comes to attracting traffic from Google for free
  • The exact hands-off techniques I use to gain traffic from Social Media without spending hours and hours on social sites
  • The real secret sauce – what I call Conversation Marketing – how to leverage the natural communication flow that occurs online between blogs and social sites, and how to capture the lion’s share of the traffic!
  • The unique and very strategic way I use Podcasting – and you can too – to attract the right type of audience to your blog (the kind that buys your products!)
  • The only traffic technique you need to focus on when you are just getting started (and why it’s so important you ignore the rest in the beginning!)
  • The key component behind every successful blog (Hint: it has a lot more to do with your ability to make friends than any technical tricks)
How To Create Your Entry-Level Front-End Product

Did you know that your own product will sell up to ten times more than affiliate products? Plus you make significantly higher profit margins when compared to other money-making techniques like advertising.

When you build a popular blog people want more from you. This is why almost all bloggers will say things really changed the day they started selling their own products (it certainly did for me!).

In this module you’re going to create your first product to sell from your blog, using my rapid product creation formula. You could literally have your first product up and ready for sale in a matter of days.

This module is all about the money. You’ll master:

  • What product types you can create and which I recommend as the very first product you offer
  • How to deliver your product using only two simple technologies (don’t make things complicated if you don’t have to!)
  • The right pricing structure for a front-end offer and why this is so important long term
  • Whether you should start with a written product, audio product, or video product and how to quickly create all three formats at once
  • How to get your audience to tell you exactly what to put in the product before you even create it
  • What parts of the product creation process you should outsource and what you should spend 90% of your own personal time on
  • How to automate the sale and delivery of your product so you can wake up each morning to with more money in your account without you lifting a finger
How To Turn Your Blog Into A Real Business (Or, “How to Work Less and Earn More”)

This is all about Exponential Income Growth and the Exponential Freedom that goes along with that.

Learn how I can get away with only writing a few blog posts every month, yet make much more money than the average blogger AND even it do it while traveling the world. It’s all about lifestyle – blog WHEN you want, from ANY country and make enough money to live a FANTASTIC and relaxed life.

This is my favorite workshop where you will learn:

  • How all the pieces fit together: Once you see the big picture after completing the five previous workshops, your pathway to a million dollar business will be clear
  • How I can get away with only blogging once a month, yet my traffic continues to grow
  • The only three elements you must devote the majority of your personal time to if you want long term success (I’ve been blogging for ten years, so I know the key to longevity)
  • What to do when things go wrong: My structured testing sequence so you can isolate where your problems are and fix them
  • How to ramp up your income through incremental improvement (a few small tweaks to your blog sales funnel can grow your income exponentially)
  • How to pack up your bags and travel the world with your blog business
  • You end your training with the presentation of my complete “framework” for successful blogging – This is an 8-Step chronology that takes your blog from Zero to Hero and summarizes what you need to do in very clear and simple steps, putting all the pieces together from the previous workshops

The Blog Money Finder

Over the years I have continuously refined and revised the methodology I guide members through to ensure they have a topic for their blog that can actually lead to money.

This is especially important given today’s crowded internet — you have to pick the right niche from day one or everything else will fail!

How To Find Your Best Blog Topic

Inside this special bonus training you will learn:

  • How to find the sweet spot that matches your strength, with what the market will actually pay money for
  • What to do if you feel you don’t have any passion or expertise that can be turned into an income source
  • How to conduct the 3-layers of research to identify where the money is
  • Plus I’ll explain what the “MEGA-NICHES” are and why almost all the money to be made online is within these 4 subject areas
  • How to map out a vision so you can see how far a potential topic can take you (is this a million dollar topic of just one time income stream?)

My “Blog Money Test” Process

As part of this training I also take you through a second very practical short workshop, that is designed to give you the exact steps to validate if there is money to be made in your niche.

This video will take you through these steps:

Even if you already have a niche this special bonus training will help you become crystal clear on exactly whom you serve, what they need, how you should best deliver it to them and of course – how to maximize your profits as a result of delivering so much value.

Power Podcasting

Back in 2005, I was one of the very first bloggers to start a podcast as part of their blog and wow, did it ever help to grow my audience.

Maybe you came to this page because of one of the interviews I did on my podcast.

Podcasts are great for traffic, allow people to hear your voice and feel stronger rapport with you, and help you to connect with important people in your industry.

How To Easily Start A Podcast

I’ve decided just for this new version of Blog Mastermind, I am going to teach everything I know about Podcasting as a bonus. You will learn:

  • The very basic podcasting technical setup I use (including microphone, software and file hosting), which I have taken with me as I travel around the world
  • How to make your podcast stand out from all the new podcasts that are crowding up the internet
  • The exact process I use to conduct in-depth and personal interviews (people tell me they listen to my show and I seem to know exactly the right question to ask at the right time – I’ll explain how you can do this too)
  • How to convince the best guests to come on your show so you can connect with powerful people in your industry, even when you are just getting started
  • And most important, how to strategically structure your podcast so it’s a conversion tool – it convinces listeners to buy your products and services

Having a podcast is not mandatory, but it is a whole lot easier to do than video and allows you to have multi-media on your blog, which is very powerful.

With this bonus, I’m going to make it real easy for you to start your own successful podcast.

Live Coaching With Yaro

I realize the workshops and bonus training might not answer every question you have. I also understand how much people value having direct access to a coach and mentor.

This is why I make myself personally available for 4 live training sessions you can participate in as part of your Blog Mastermind membership. The live training webinars begin shortly after you sign up for Blog Mastermind.

How To Ask Your Questions Live

  • You can join a live training webinar using your computer, laptop, or smartphone
  • There are no limitations on the number of questions you can ask (I only request that you give other members a chance to ask questions too, so everyone gets a turn)
  • I won’t hold back on the “severity” of my advice, if I think you are making a mistake I will tell you (I act as if I am a invested partner in your blog, so treat you as such)
  • All webinars are recorded and available for download as an audio MP3 and streaming video shortly after they end
  • I change the scheduling around so no matter where in the world you are located you will have a chance to ask a question live
  • If you can’t make a live call you can email me a question in advance, which I will address live during the webinar
  • I will stay on the live webinar for as long as it takes to answer all questions, so don’t be afraid to ask anything

Also Blog Masterming 1.0 (BONUS)

Here’s A Snapshot Of What Is Inside…

All the original 27 weekly Blog Mastermind foundation lessons designed to guide you through six months of intensive blog training. I wrote these by hand (well laptop!), all original work direct from me (Yaro).

Each lesson includes a text and MP3 audio version (I speak out the audio lessons personally so they are in my voice). Here is the list –

Lesson 1: Let’s Get Blogging!
Lesson 2: Blog Foundations
Lesson 3: RSS, Social Proof & Plug-ins
Lesson 4: Finalizing Your Blog Structure
Lesson 5: Set Up Key Content Pages
Lesson 6: Content Focus and Structure
Lesson 7: Authentic Content
Lesson 8: Personal Branding and Sourcing Content
Lesson 9: Hiring Bloggers
Lesson 10: Copywriting For Blogs

Lesson 11: Marketing Through Conversations
Lesson 12: Leveraging Content For Traffic Part 1 – Forums
Lesson 13: Leveraging Content For Traffic Part 2 – Article Marketing & Blog Carnivals
Lesson 14: Leveraging Content For Traffic Part 3 – Guest Writing
Lesson 15: Search Engine Optimization For Blogs
Lesson 16: Impact Marketing
Lesson 17: Podcasting
Lesson 18: Publicity
Lesson 19: The Traffic Secret
Every Blogger Knows
Lesson 20: The Monetization Process
Lesson 21: Contextual Advertising
Lesson 22: Affiliate Marketing
Lesson 23: Direct Advertisers
Lesson 24: Five Powerful Ways To Make Money With Your Blog
Lesson 25: Email List Profits
Lesson 26: Buying and Selling Blogs
Lesson 27: Blogging As A Business

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 14.2 GB


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