SEO Case Study Database: Identify and validate opportunities in minutes

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SEO Case Study Database: Identify and validate opportunities in minutes

SEO Case Study Database: Identify and validate opportunities in minutes

Do you face these problems:

  • You can’t find SEO case studies that validate your recommendations which means you struggle to get buy-in from stakeholders.
  • You spend hours on Google trying to find useful SEO case studies, which means you have less time to focus on crafting a winning SEO strategy.
  • You don’t have a library of proven SEO tactics to generate new ideas, which means you struggle to identify new ways to continue to drive SEO growth.

Now there is a solution. Let me introduce you to the SEO Case Studies Database.

What is the SEO Case Studies Database?

A curated database of 400+ publicly available SEO case studies, experiments and studies that can unlock SEO growth. Pay once, and gain unlimited access.

You can see a sample of case studies, experiments and studies in the database here.

What are you getting?

When you purchase this database, you will get the following:

  • Lifetime access to a growing database so you can find new case studies, experiments and studies, which means you can find opportunities as the industry evolves.
  • A database of 400+ SEO case studies, experiments and studies so you can find opportunities across a range of industries, topics and sectors.
  • A curated list of publicly accessible SEO case studies, experiments and studies, which means you don’t have to spend hours on Google trying to validate your ideas.
  • The database is tagged and categorised so you can filter the SEO case studies that matter to you in minutes, which means you can spend more time building your strategy.
  • Exclusive 75 days of SEO Testing tool free trials which means you can save money and discover exactly which changes resulted in an uplift in SEO traffic.

Why buy the database?

This database is for SEO professionals working in in-house, agency and freelance roles, who want to:

  1. Validate recommendations – Allow SEO professionals to validate SEO recommendations with a wide range of data-supported evidence from the largest collection of publicly accessible case studies.
  2. Get buy-in – Allow SEO professionals to have quick access to evidence that can get teams bought into recommendations and strategies based on real-world data.
  3. Tailor advice – Allow SEO professionals to tailor tactics and strategies for any business by combining the lessons learned from super-smart SEOs across different markets, industries and topics.
  4. Ruthlessly prioritise – Allow SEO professionals to sequence tactics or strategies based on case studies that have proven to drive SEO traffic and revenue.
  5. Generate new ideas – Allow SEO professionals to reverse engineer SEO case studies, experiments and studies to identify brand-new opportunities or tests to increase SEO traffic and revenue.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Let’s hear from SEO professionals who have started to use the database.


“There is no central database of SEO case studies – until now. Case studies are one of the most important sources of knowledge in SEO. Adam did a great job putting this together – way worth the money!” – Kevin Indig

“Finally, a hub of case studies I don’t have to spend hours trawling the web to find.” – Dan White

“Thanks to Adam’s SEO Case Study Database, I have a wide range of data-supported evidence at my fingertips, which I can use to tailor my advice and help identify changes that should or should not be made to my client’s website.” – Maret Reutelingsperger

“This is the database I’ve tried (and failed) to build many times over the years – it’s so easy to filter to find relevant SEO tests to run and real data to back up your strategy.” – Freddie Chatt

“I’ve checked the list, and it looks awesome. It’s a well-curated list with all sorts of case studies. You can already find them online, but if you value your time and want to spend it planning and executing your SEO strategies, I recommend buying the database!” – Gus Pelogia

“Comprehensive, organised and includes a wide variety of different categories! THE database for SEO case studies – whether you’re agency, in-house or freelance, there’s something in there for everyone.” – Areej AbuAli

I bought this database 20 minutes ago and I’ve already sent two experiments along to clients to help answer their questions. Love! Thanks for putting this together!” – Crystal Ortiz

This golden book of case studies! Been meaning to get it for a few weeks – finally got it today – man this is like SEO gold! If you ain’t got it yet – get it! (No I am not on commission ha!)  Seriously though well done – I proper and I mean proper struggle sometimes to explain the benefits of a task I am doing and often go in hunt of a good case study to show “real life” examples of what I am trying to convey – this is REALLY going to help with that!” – Chris Evans

Exclusive SEO Testing Deals

I’m also partnering with, Big Metrics and SearchPilot to help you test ideas.

75 Days of Free SEO Testing

Both and Big Metrics are offering:

  • SEOTesting.comExclusive 45 days free trial when you purchase the database.
  • Big Metrics Exclusive 30 days free trial when you purchase the database.

That’s $90 worth of SEO testing for SEO professionals when you buy the database!

SearchPilot: Enterprise SEO Testing Consultation

Are you a team of at least 3 in-house SEOs at an enterprise organisation? Do you want to implement SEO tests or any tactics you’ve read in the database?

Then Will Critchlow at SearchPilot will be happy to give a free talk on lessons learned from implementing 100s of SEO tests OR schedule a 1:1 consultation to advise on your testing program setup.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 188 KB

Also, See: ScaleUP Academy – SEO Training Course = Learn to Rank Higher in Search Engines


(click on the link Here, create your own account and copy the content to your own cloud to watch/download the content anytime later) or Simply Download From our torrent server 

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