Pete Codes – Monetize Your Newsletter

Pete Codes – Monetize Your Newsletter

Pete Codes – Monetize Your Newsletter

My experience

I’ve made thousands from selling newsletter adverts over the past few years and over $3,000 from ads in July 2023.

I have 9,500 subscribers but I make more than newsletter publishers with twice that. How? Because I focus on monetizing.

I will teach you how to make money from your newsletter without any sales experience whatsoever. This is everything I learned in the past 4 years of running my No CS Degree newsletter. I don’t have any prior business training so anyone can do it.

Exclusive offer to Gumroad customers – anyone who buys this course has the option of getting added as an affiliate. I really believe in rewarding people who recommend my courses so I’ll give you 50% commission! This is considerably higher than most people and is a nice way to make income.

Pete Codes – Monetize Your Newsletter Testimonials 

“Seriously, this is an incredible course, watched the whole thing back-to-back in two sittings, cannot recommend it highly enough!” Daniel Easterman, Palestine Tech Jobs

“Just finished watching @petecodes amazing course on Monetizing Your Newsletter. Fabulous content, well delivered, and packed with actionable tips! Go buy it TODAY.” Anthony Northcutt , SEO Specialist

“As @petecodes says in his newsletter monetization course, you need to ask uncomfortable number to have a place for negotiations.” Anna Grigoryan, founder

“Pete’s course cuts through all the BS and shows you first hand how to find sponsors for your newsletter. I run a newsletter with over 9k subscribers and couldn’t consistently land sponsors until I watched Pete’s course. This course pays for itself if you execute the advice!” Derek Sams, Try Meli, remote job board

“Bought your “monetize your newsletter” course yesterday. I listened to it, even if it is a video… I like your enthusiam, and got actionable advice I can apply to my newsletter straight away. Totally worth it!” Ari Bajo, Data Engineer


– The pros and cons of affiliates, sponsors and paid content business models

– See messages with sponsors showing successful negotiations

– Find the best affiliate links

– Find sponsors

– Sales and negotiation tips

– How and when to get paid

– How much you can charge based on subscriber count

– Make a newsletter landing page without code

– Pricing strategies

– Being an open startup

– Examples of how paid newsletters get people to upgrade

– Communities to join to find sponsors

– Monetizing with your own content

Contents do not include:

– Building a huge list you don’t make money from

Who is this for? 🤔

People with a newsletter already or know how to make one

Action-orientated people willing to put in the work

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 860.8 MB

Also, See: Jessie van Breugel – LinkedIn Growth System


(click on the link Here, create your own account and copy the content to your own cloud to watch/download the content anytime later) or Simply Download From our torrent server 

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