Derek Moneyburg – Moneyburg Mentoring

Derek Moneyburg – Moneyburg Mentoring WEEK 1 CLAIMING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Understand Why You Don’t Have What You Want in Life: Receive an in depth assessment of your current situation and take responsibility for your outcomes. ​​Overcome The 3 Main Reason For Failure: Proactively create action plans to make sure you avoid failure along your journey [...]


John Assaraf – Winning the Game of Procrastination

John Assaraf – Winning the Game of Procrastination Exclusive On-Demand Training Event: 3 KEYS TO ELIMINATING PROCRASTINATION Put a Stop to Procrastination Once and For All So You Can Take Inspired Action and Achieve Every One of Your Goals & Dreams This Exclusive Training Event is On-Demand! Has procrastination ever stopped you from achieving your [...]


Robin Sharma – The Legendary Performer

Robin Sharma – The Legendary Performer Robin Sharma is one of the most sought after international speakers on the planet. There’s no doubt that Robin has the superb ability to spellbind and transform entire audiences. For over 20 years he’s been globally recognized as one of the “Top 5” thought-leaders + change-makers on the planet [...]


Robbins Life Coaching Training – Robbins Madanes Training

Robbins Life Coaching Training – Robbins Madanes Training The official Coach Training School of Anthony Robbins. Robbins-Madanes Training has trained over 10,000 life coaches. Learn how to transform individuals, couples, businesses and organizations. Change your life today by choosing the career of tomorrow. Contains: 01-Coach Accelerator Workshop 02-Core 100 Training 03-Live Calendar 04-Seven Mindsets of [...]


Kyle Dendy – Speaker Secrets Accelerator

Kyle Dendy – Speaker Secrets Accelerator Will this work in my country? Yes, this program can be used in any country or industry that involves speakers. How do the automations work? After you enroll, I show you how to get hundreds of decision maker emails on autopilot. Just follow the steps to get an upload [...]


MindValley Collection

MindValley Collection Mindvalley Programs Unleash the Best in You Mindvalley creates the world’s best programs in every category of human transformation (and now entrepreneurship). Learn from the best teachers on our powerful science-based learning platform. The Mindvalley Education Model Global change and new technologies like AI are disrupting work and careers. Traditional education never prepared [...]