Marci Shimoff – Learning Strategies – Happy For No Reason

Marci Shimoff - Learning Strategies – Happy For No Reason

Marci Shimoff – Learning Strategies – Happy For No Reason

I nearly drove into the ditch when I heard on the radio that people who are happy earn $750,000 more in their lifetime than others

Dear Friend,

That’s a lot – 3/4 of a million dollars!

More than 255 studies show that money doesn’t buy happiness. Studies say it is the other way around: Happiness attracts money.

The radio story didn’t even address the fact that happy people are more fulfilled, relaxed, and peaceful. …that they naturally get lower prices, more opportunities, better care, more friends, greater intimacy, and so on.

You might think, “I would be happy too if I had more intimacy (or that car, that raise, that home…),” but it is the other way around. If you’re happy first, everything will come. High wages. Great relationships. Better sex. Career advancements. Customers. Great deals. Contentment in your home. And that’s why we created Happy for No Reason. So you can be happier than you are right now, AND reap the rewards that seem to always fall to happy people.

You can easily and systematically raise your everyday level of happiness

This also means that no matter what happens in your life — no matter what stress plows into you — no matter how dire the circumstances might turn — you can AUTOMATICALLY return to a higher level of happiness than you have today.

It’s not about getting richer, thinner, or smarter and as a result becoming happier. It’s about becoming happier with everything falling in line.

Your happiness is so important to us and you’re sure to learn from the best in the business — these notable people have joined happiness expert, Marci Shimoff, on the recordings of this course: Paul Scheele … Chunyi Lin … Hale Dwoskin … John Assaraf … Jack Canfield … Lisa Nichols … Lynne Twist … John Gray.

But … Beware of this advice

“Find the things that make you happy and do more of those.” That sounds good, but it is a trap that you should understand!

What if you couldn’t do what makes you happy because you got in a horrible accident… you ended up between jobs… broke up or got a divorce… plummeted in a financial crisis… flattened out by sickness… You would be unhappy, which is exactly what happens when happiness depends on outside circumstances.

What if you could generate happiness all of the time? Irrespective of outside circumstances, including the good stuff such as achievements, goals, money, relationships, a new car, fancy clothes, other people, or anything else “out there.”

Have you ever felt that you have many of the things you thought would make you happy, but still something is missing? You instinctively know that you could experience more happiness, joy and well-being in your life than you currently are. That’s what we’re talking about here.

With Marci’s course you learn how to let happiness come automatically. It’s beautiful, simple, and practical. You will get your action plan for happiness, you will learn how to turn happiness into money, you’ll vaporize any last remnants of unhappiness, and you’ll learn the secret to:

How to beat your genetics (which is what got us here at Learning Strategies really excited!)

Happiness is 50% genetics. That explains why some people are just plain happy all of the time. It’s in their genes!

But there is more to the whole story: 50% of your happiness level is NOT genetics.

10% relates to the circumstances of everyday life, such as remodeling your home, taking a vacation, getting a raise, reading a great book, or discovering a new CD. (Marci calls this “happy for good reason.”)

40% relates to your happiness set-point that can be controlled by you! In the same way that you can crank the thermostat to warm up on chilly days, you can reprogram your everyday level of happiness to a higher level of peace and well-being. That’s what the course is about, and what got Paul Scheele and I excited about working with Marci. The ramifications are huge for all of us. The idea that we can increase our everyday happiness is golden! That’s what we all want, isn’t it? To be happier?

Another warning: if you are unhappy now, you will likely be unhappy 10 years from now, because you will maintain a constant level of happiness all of your life… unless you do something to change it.

Happiness is The Secret to the Law of Attraction

Rhonda Byrne, creator of The Secret wrote:

“I want to let you in on a secret to The Secret. The shortcut to anything you want in your life is to BE and FEEL happy now! It is the fastest way to bring money and anything else you want into your life.”

You may have seen Marci Shimoff in The Secret DVD. Marci is an undisputed expert on the Law of Attraction.

Like Rhonda, she knows that happiness is a powerful attractor. She knows that happiness helps draw to you whatever you want.

That’s how Marci became a #1 New York Times best-selling author. People have purchased more than 13 million copies of her books. That is extraordinary considering that most books never sell more than 2,500 copies. She is a mega successful author who knows that happiness is the secret to life.

And she knows how to help anyone — yes, including YOU! — quickly become happier, and remain happy for the rest of your life. And that’s what you get in her Happy for No Reason course.

Why was Marci on NBC’s Today Show talking about happiness? Because as one magazine declared, “Happiness is the newest fashion.” People are finally figuring out that it isn’t the new flat screen TV, or the iPhone, or the new wardrobe that makes you happy.

It’s the old chicken/egg thing. And happiness definitely came first. From her research, Marci discovered that to be happier, everything you need is inside you — and she gives you the simple instructions on how to use it, so that you:

  • Take ownership of your happiness. You’ll focus on solutions instead of problems, find the gifts in life, and make peace with yourself.
  • Don’t believe everything your mind tells you. You’ll question the validity of your thoughts, let go of thoughts that don’t serve you, and incline your mind toward joy.
  • Let love lead. You will focus on gratitude, practice forgiveness, and spread loving kindness. (This works as well in business as it does in your personal life.)
  • Make the cells of your body happy. You will learn to nourish your body, energize your body, and tune into your body’s wisdom.
  • Plug yourself into spirit. You will invite connection to your higher power, listen to your inner voice, and trust life’s unfolding.
  • Live inspired by purpose. You will find your passion, follow the inspiration of the moment, and contribute to something greater than yourself.
  • Cultivate nourishing relationships. You will learn how to tend to your relationships so that they grow, surround yourself with support, and see the world as your family.And now to some unhappy facts:

Unhappiness brings early death

Research shows that unhappy people:

  • Are 65% more likely to get a cold
  • Have a greater risk of heart disease, strokes, hypertension, infections, and Type 2 diabetes
  • Release more of the stress hormone cortisol. They have a higher heart rate and may be at higher risk for heart attacks
  • Are less likely to find a spouse
  • Live nine years fewer than their happy counterparts

So… when you are happy, you are likely to live longer. You are more emotionally healthy, physically healthy, creative, energetic, compassionate, and successful!

In Marci’s course you will take a test of 21 questions to determine your level of happiness.

You’ll then be given a practical 7-step strategy to increase your level of happiness and decrease the risks.

The Happy 100!

Marci interviewed 100 unconditionally happy people, including Paul Scheele, Chunyi Lin, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, John Gray, and Hale Dwoskin (all who have programs published by Learning Strategies). Marci combined many of the interviews with cutting-edge research and knowledge from the world’s leading experts in the fields of positive psychology and neurophysiology.

From that she developed a powerful, proven 7-step program that you can incorporate into your life to be happier right now — no matter where you start.

She’ll regale you with phenomenal tales and success stories of people who’ve applied these steps to their own lives to become Happy for No Reason. You may not know this, but Marci co-authored six of the mega-successful Chicken Soup for the Soul books — she knows how to use stories to teach, inspire, and motivate you to take action. That’s part of the magic of her course.

In eight audio sets and one guidebook, you will learn practical, down-to-earth strategies based on the new science of happiness that will help you experience happiness “from the inside out.”

You don’t have to have happy genes, win the lottery, lose 20 pounds, or become a saint. By the time you finish listening to Marci’s course you will be experiencing more happiness. Follow the steps, which help you adopt habits that most happy people have, and you will live in an authentic state of sustained happiness for the rest of your life.

And, you get the Happy for No Reason Paraliminal!

To make your happiness journey easier for you, we’ve included a copy of the extraordinarily popular Happy for No Reason Paraliminal that Marci created with Paul Scheele in 2007. We know that you probably have it already, but we wanted to include a copy in the course as a bonus so that it is handy.

This version of the Paraliminal, which works with your inner mind to be happy from the inside out, is indeed encoded with Holosync audio technology provided by Bill Harris (one of the Happy 100) of Centerpointe Research. Using Holosync creates new neural pathways between the left and right brain hemispheres, balancing the brain, enhancing mental/emotional health, improving mental functioning and self-awareness, and healing unresolved emotional issues, all to support raising your baseline of happiness.

Are you ready to be happier?

In the last year alone, excluding her national media interviews, over 100,000 people have been influenced by Marci’s teachings on happiness.

You need to tap into that power and see what it can do in your life.

If you want to be happier at home, at work, at anything you do…

If you want all the benefits of increased happiness such as love, long life, and financial prosperity… grab this opportunity right now and get Happy for No Reason. It has worked for me, for which I’m very grateful, and I know it will work for you.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 831.9 MB

Also, See: Mark Wightley & Anthony Rousek – Super Affiliate Sniper

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