Jon Mac – Legacy Collection

Jon Mac – Legacy Collection

Today I’m Giving You

$24,000 Worth of Training, Free

Jon Mac – Legacy Collection

Announcing The Legacy Collection! (Total Value $25,000)

As a way to celebrate 7 consecutive years running online businesses …

I’m making you the most generous (and insane) offer we’ve ever had.

When you accept this offer, you’re getting 96% off my best programs – the very same collection of products that have been valued for a combined total of more than $25,000.

But when you accept this offer, your investment is just a small fraction of that.

Here’s what’s included …

1. Millionaire Challenge LIVE Event Replays (Value $15,000)

This extremely rare event sold for $6,000.00 and was only attended by a little more than 15 people.

During the event, I broke down every single one of my strategies and systems that helped bring in over $3 Million dollars this year, and walk you through the process and framework of each one.

Bluntly, you need this.

You will even get the workbook PDFs to print off at home and fill out while going through the training videos. This is priceless.

If you want to create blockbuster E-commerce stores and Facebook campaigns …consistently …this is the best way to get started.

2. The Flex Method (Value $2,000)

This course is still regarded as the number one “must have” weapon in your Facebook Ads arsenal. It reveals how I systematically create the most laser-targeted ads ever seen before …and lays out the complete method in an easy-to-follow step by step system.

You get it today included with the Legacy Collection.

3. The Goldmine Method (Value $2,000)

This class was originally sold for $1,997 …which is more than the entire investment today for all of these classes combined.

The Goldmine Method is responsible for multiple 7-figures in revenue with my stores and my student’s stores. Finding profitable products is essential to longterm success.

During the very week people got access to the video training, 5 students TRIPLED their revenue by finding killer converting products for their online stores.

During that same week, a long-time student used the same strategies inside to earn 6 figure in ONE month …this stuff works, plain and simple.

If you want to shorten your learning curve with finding the best niches and products out there, this training is for you!

4. The Goldmine Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)

The Goldmine Method LIVE Class was the extension to the course itself.

After hearing many requests to do a Q&A session and a deep dive into the method itself, I put this LIVE class together for you.

I walk you through how I would find profitable products quickly and efficiently like you were right there looking over my shoulder.

Only a handful of people were given access to this class …and now you can get access!

5. The Sherlock Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)

Another incredible LIVE class showing you a super stealth strategy to find buyer interests for your Facebook Ads.

This one you can’t miss. I show you how to cross-check buyer’s interests on ad posts to find out exactly how to target them.

It’s a very exclusive training which was only available for viewing for a short time.

Now you get access to it forever.

This class is regarded as the single best blueprint for finding buyer interests …on the planet.

6. The Matrix Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)

The essential training to show you the power of Lookalike and Custom Audiences.

These types of ads are the most profitable right now in our business.

Learn exactly how to make them the right way, allowing you to scale to the moon!

Yes, that sounds like “typical marketing language”, I know.

But there’s simply no other way to describe it.

Lookalike audiences are insanely profitable. It’s like Facebook hands you a group of people to show your ads to on a silver platter. It can’t get easier than this.

If you never want to worry about how to scale out your ads again… this is for you.

7. My Weird Niche Store LIVE Class (Value $1,000)

It’s no secret.

Your product margin can be the different between life and death with your online store.

And in this training, I show you a very specific formula to get perfect margins.

Shown with LIVE examples, this class is the best way to understand how to get the highest ROI from every sale you make on your store.

Never guess again how to price your products on your store.

Watch this training, and I know you will get a ton of “ah ha” moments ?

This is one of my most powerful (and beloved) classes, and I want you to have it.

8. Optimization Onramp LIVE Class (Value $1,000)

How would you like to make 3X-5X returns on your Facebook Ad Spend?

How would you like to know exactly what metrics to look at daily so you can optimize your ads fast without any guesswork.

And how would you like to know when to turn off ads that aren’t working for you.

That’s what my Optimization Onramp LIVE Class will do for you.

Don’t miss out on this one.

It’s critical you are looking at the right numbers in your business daily, so you stay profitable and more stable for longer than ever before.

This one’s a “must-have” no matter what you’re selling with your Facebook Ads.

9. Cash Flow For Life Audio Book (Value $1,000)

If you are looking to understand the entire business model end to end easily with audio in your car or at home, you don’t want to miss this.

I had my book, Cash Flow For Life, professionally recorded in audio for your listening pleasure. Taking notes and implementing them has never been easier than this.

This Course Includes:

  • 1. Millionaire Challenge LIVE Event Replays (Value $15,000)
  • 2. The Flex Method (Value $2,000)
  • 3. The Goldmine Method (Value $2,000)
  • 4. The Goldmine Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)
  • 5. The Sherlock Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)
  • 6. The Matrix Method LIVE Class (Value $1,000)
  • 7. My Weird Niche Store LIVE Class (Value $1,000)
  • 8. Optimization Onramp LIVE Class (Value $1,000)
  • 9. Cash Flow For Life Audio Book (Value $1,000)

You’re getting over $25,000 in Value today. That’s 96% OFF! I will not be offering this again for a long time.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 6.7 GB


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