John Crestani – Super Affiliate System 3.0

John Crestani – Super Affiliate System 3.0

John Crestani – Super Affiliate System 3.0

The Super Affiliate System is a 6-week program with the sole goal of creating an affiliate marketing business and getting it profitable in as short of time as possible with step-by-step proven methods taught by online marketing experts making at least $100,000 a MONTH in revenue.

Upon purchase you will get immediate access to the entire program which will begin by showing you in a step-by-step format to pick your first product offers without hard costs, set up a presell page, and use super cheap Facebook advertising to get customers.

The program will then focus on how to scale these advertising campaigns as fast as possible and build a full-fledged empire.

This is 100% beginner friendly. This program is designed to work for a total novice without any prior experience. Through the 6 week course, you will get everything you need to build an online marketing business in successful niches, pick the right offers and get buying customers to those offers. You will be shown how to turn this into an internet empire from the masters of the affiliate marketing world.

What You Will Learn Inside The Super Affiliate System

Week One – Complete Affiliate Marketing System Setup Course

Start earning commissions in the first week of the course by following the simple video tutorials, shown step-by-step on John’s computer.

How To Join An Affiliate Network: You will get access to the Clickbank affiliate network, and be walked through, step-by-step, how to set up and use your account. Clickbank will be the company that writes you checks and pays you all the commissions that you’ll be earning.
Setting Up Your Website: You will be shown, step-by-step, how to set up your presell page to promote products on ad networks such as Google and Facebook.
Facebook Ad Setup: You will be shown, step-by-step, how to set up Facebook ads, in the best most profitable manner possible, so that you can start earning commissions Fast.
​Common Setup Mistakes: You will be shown the common mistakes or obstacles that affiliate marketers make in the setup process, and how to avoid them.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and a gift for completion of the training!

Week Two  How To Earn Affiliate Commissions by Placing Ads on Google Course

Learn how to earn commissions by placing ads through Google’s search and display network of websites, that allows you to sell products to billions of people across the globe.
Google Search Ads Setup: You will be shown the fastest, most effective way to advertise on Google if you are an affiliate marketer so that you can start earning commissions by tapping into high-intent BUYERS of products that are searching Google every day.
Google Display Ads Setup: Learn how you can SCALE your affiliate marketing campaigns to thousands, and 10s of thousands of profit per day with Google Display Ads. One of the most underground, and least understood ways to get buyers and traffic coming to your affiliate links.
Google Ads Conversion Pixel Setup: Learn how to set up proper tracking so that you can figure out what ad messages are losing you money, and which are making you money so that you can earn more while spending less.
​Common Google Ads Mistakes: You will be shown the common mistakes or obstacles that affiliate marketers make with Google Ads, and how to avoid them.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and ANOTHER gift for completion of the training!

Week Three Make Serious Money using Youtube Ads Course

Youtube is the fastest growing, least understood, yet the most profitable place to advertise on the internet. Learn my untold methods for placing ads on Youtube to create 10x ROIs.

How To Place Your First Ad On Youtube: Learn my simple 4-step system for effective Youtube advertising. You will not want to miss my explanation of the hidden checkbox I show at 8:08 which will triple your ROI once you uncheck it.
How To Setup Your Channel Page for Maximum ROI: This is a simple, straightforward but necessary process to ensure your ads get shown to Youtube users.
The Best Way to Find Your Video to Advertise: You will not be able to scale to $1000+ in commissions per day unless you see the targeting method that I show at 10:56 in this video.
​How and Why We Exclude Mobile Devices: Mobile viewership of Youtube videos accounts for 80% of total usage, but unless you know how to exclude it, you will end up wasting 80% of your money! Learn why this is so important to exclude mobile, and specifically what affiliate offers WILL NOT work on mobile video advertising, and which WILL.
​8 Youtube Advertising Mistakes to AVOID: There are 8 simple-to-make mistakes you can do when setting up your video ads, but they are very easy to avoid, and I will show you how to avoid them.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and another MASSIVE gift for completion of the training! This is the best bonus, and it’s worth the entire course investment itself.
Sumeet Harish
Former investment banker

Gregg Martin
Former background actor

Week Four Turn Social Media Into an Affiliate Profit Powerhouse Course

Start using social media advertising on sites such as Facebook into an additional stream of income using our step-by-step guides on how to put up ads to make money from users. Stop wasting time on social media and instead turn it into an income stream.
Advanced Facebook Advertising Tactics: Learn my ultra-coveted 1-5-10 Targeting workaround method to Facebook advertising that has allowed me to make millions of dollars and consistently profit in any niche I enter.
How to Keep Your Ads Compliant: Facebook is known to disapprove and ban affiliate advertisements. See my foolproof method to never getting an account banned again, and take advantage of the PDF resource I offer in this video that costs thousands of dollars to create, but guarantees that you will never lose an account again.
Easy Facebook Tracking Pixel Setup: There is no easier way to set up a Facebook tracking pixel than what you will see here; ensure that you never waste a dime on ads that aren’t converting into profits for your business.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and a very special bonus gift, that was once handed down to me, from one of my mentors. Save this on your phone or audio device, and listen to it in its entirety if you want to become successful.

Week Five Creating a 24/7/365 Commission MACHINE Course

You are shown a foolproof quick and easy way to set up a website, that is as simple as clicking a few buttons. These websites are specially built to be profit machines, so all you have to do is send visitors to them with your ads, and you will receive back money in return.

How To Setup an Affiliate Website: Watch me on my computer show you step-by-step, click-by-click exactly how to set up a profit-producing website even if you have zero technical skills, and have never set up a website in your life before.
How to Split-Test Your Way To Higher Profits: Learn how you can make minor changes to your affiliate website to give you a massive advantage over other affiliates, and see greater profits.
​3 Website Setup Mistakes to AVOID: I will show you the three most common website setup mistakes that are easy to make if you don’t know, but easy to avoid if you do. No need to ever get frustrated in setting up your internet business.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and a special gift that will help you become a marketing Jedi.

Week Six Scaling Your Internet Business to Millions of Dollars Per Year Course

Learn the advanced tactics of affiliate marketing that can use to solidify and protect the profits you make from affiliate marketing so that you never have to worry about competition coming after you.
What Payout Bumps Are & How To Get Them: Did you know you can easily increase the payouts you earn, without sending any more traffic or sales? I explain how to negotiate higher commissions for yourself in this training, so you can create a competitive advantage for yourself.
How To Scale Your Profitable Ads: Getting profitable is the biggest rush you get in affiliate marketing. But increasing those early profits to the monster, $1000/day profits would be 2nd best. I explain the best way to scale your ad campaigns, without hurting your ROI.
​Affiliate Offer Selection Masterclass: Learn how to find the best, highest-converting affiliate offers to promote in any niche, fast and free,
​Automate Everything: Once you start making money, it’s easy to hire others to manage everything for you. My multi-million dollar-per-year affiliate empire runs on autopilot, and I will show you how you can too.
​Wrapup & Bonus Gift: A summary of the content covered, and as a reward for completing this course, you will be given a gift that will change your life, forever.

Real People. Real Results.

We have thousands of students from countries all over the world, all ages, and all walks of life seeing real results with this system. The students featured below are just ordinary people like you and I, that are seeing groundbreaking transformations in their income.

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Also See: Marie and Moon – Rule Your Rankings Level Up

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Edison Sheme

    Why almost any link here is unavailable on Mega?

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