Jeremy Miner – The Ultimate Closers Masterclass


The Ultimate Closers Masterclass By Jeremy Miner

The Ultimate Closers Masterclass By Jeremy Miner

How To Quickly and Easily Accelerate Your Sales – WITHOUT Using Old, Outdated Sales Methods
Leading 7 Figure Sales Expert Reveals His Little Known Proven SYSTEM To boost Your Sales Conversions In As Little As 20 Minutes… Even If You’re Brand New To Selling!

From: Jeremy Miner

RE: The Ultimate Closers MASTERCLASS. How you can invest just 20 minutes, and start to become an EXPERT at selling your products or services.
Dear Fellow Sales Professional,

I’m going to SHOW YOU how you can dramatically start increasing your sales numbers and commissions… in as little as 20 minutes.

Did you know that the average sales professional earns less than a welfare recipient?

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to CONSISTENTLY make sales and create the income you deserve in today’s economy?

Are you stuck because you’re using old, outdated methods? You know the ones… ABC (always be closing), Enthusiasm Selling, Always Assume the sale and the ‘Feel, Felt, Found’ method.

These methods have been taught over the last several decades by all the TOP sales gurus… and they ‘USED TO WORK’ well.

The problem is… the WORLD HAS CHANGED, and those old-school methods no longer work, like they once did.

So, if you’re not hitting the kind of sales numbers you know you’re capable of hitting, let alone making the kind of income you want as a sales professional…

I Understand
It’s not your fault.

You’ve probably read all the sales books from the GURUS, heard a million opinions, and got some free advice (usually worth about what you pay for it), and you are more confused than ever…

That’s OK. This is what I do, so help is on the way.

The Most Effective System For Selling In The New Economy…
You could go out and read EVERY book ever written on selling, influencing, persuasion and psychology. Spend HOURS interviewing industry insiders, and go out in the field and DO this stuff as I have.


Have one of my TOP SALES TRAINERS SHOW YOU how to use my SYSTEM to specifically SELL MORE of your products and services, right away… in as little as 20 minutes!

No fluff and NO B.S. Just the raw information and SYSTEM you need to SELL MORE and become one of the TOP SALES professionals in your company… right away.

Here’s Just A LITTLE Of What You’ll Discover Inside My MASTERCLASS…

  • How selling has changed and why traditional techniques no longer work. Once you know this you’ll understand why your current method is not getting it done as you want. No worries, we’ll help you correct this so your sales numbers start moving up.
  • The real reasons why trust has died. Trust is critical to getting the sale and building a relationship with your prospect. We’ll show you how to authentically build trust which naturally accelerates the sales process and has both you and the prospect on the same page.
  • Why does your current technique, triggers rejections and objections. Most sales professionals don’t even realize they’re creating their objections. We’ll show you how to eliminate this from your presentation so the prospect opens up to you quickly.
  • The right way to call and get the gatekeeper’s unconditional cooperation. Once you know this LITTLE technique and start applying it, you’re going to love connecting with the gatekeeper.
  • My ONE EASY METHOD on how to immediately engage referrals to set up an appointment, so you can quickly (and consistently)keep your pipeline full of interested and eager prospects.
  • The best way to connect with your leads is when you call them so they’re OPEN to hearing what you have to say and don’t perceive you as the average salesperson.
  • How to effectively follow up with your prospect who’s requested information from you. Using our proven method will SAVE you a ton of time and ensure you’re always moving them toward the sale.
  • Why your enthusiasm is a TOXIC deal-breaker, and how to have the correct tone that puts your prospect at ease and allows them to open up to you. Once you start using this method in your selling, you’ll find that it’s MUCH EASIER to build a ‘real’ rapport quickly.
  • How to instantly DRAW IN YOUR PROSPECTS when you start a demo or presentation. Now, you’ll have their interest and attention right away. Using this method allows you to stand out from the average salesperson. This is what the true professionals do, and we’ll show you exactly how to do this.
  • Four starter phrases that elevate you in your prospects’ eyes, so that you’re NOT viewed as a typical salesperson. I call this the ‘Authority Accelerator’ because you become the authority in the eyes of your prospects… very quickly.
  • You’ll discover the 2 biggest myths in selling. Once you know this you’ll be able to annihilate sales resistance. Now, you’re able to close more businesses… faster, while at the same time helping them solve their problem.
  • How and when to ask correct ‘committing questions’ aka closing questions. Once you know and start applying this… your sales will SKYROCKET!
  • The difference between traditional sales language vs. 7 figure sales language, and how to use this in your communications with your prospects. This makes ALL the difference in the world and will dramatically accelerate your sales.

Plus, much more… but…

I Can’t Take Credit For The System
I consulted EVERYBODY that I knew who was a success at selling, read everything available on the subject of selling, influencing, persuasion and psychology. Then added my own experiences to develop this system.

So, this is not ‘theory’… it’s a real word, in the trenches, battlefield-tested strategies and tactics that WORK.

I’ve been a nationally recognized Top Income Producing Sales Professional for more than 15 years. I’ll share me with you real quickly, my background…

I started selling door to door in the summer of 2000 when I was 22. Then, at the young age of 25, I was made VP of sales for one of the largest home security companies in the WORLD… a distinction I earned after consistently outperforming every salesperson and breaking every sales record the company had.

By 2008, I’d finally reached the 7 Figure income level when I developed this SYSTEM of Selling to effortlessly generate leads, obliterate sales resistance, acquire more clients, and masterfully close sales to generate commissions for more than 15 years.

Don’t let the short time it takes to implement this MASTERCLASS fool you. Over 10,000 hours of research went into this project.

It’s true, the best of the best there is… and the SYSTEM is simple and FAST to learn so you can START implementing this information immediately very quickly.

Why Pioneers Get Scalped
There’s an old saying in business “Pioneers get scalped but settlers prosper”. Think about it, you go out and try this on your own.

Can you imagine how much FASTER and EASIER it is when you follow a PROVEN SYSTEM of dozens of “Pioneers” BEFORE you, that made 1000’s costly mistakes before being successful at selling?
Imagine this…

Your prospects becoming much more receptive to your calls. Your conversations flow effortlessly toward the next step in your sales process. There’s NO, convincing or manipulating the conversion because you’re now using a PROVEN SYSTEM in helping your prospects get what they want.

You’re NOW viewed as… THE authority for your product or service, like a TRUE sales professional. Because of all the time savings using this SYSTEM, you’re now able to book MORE appointments and close more business – FASTER!

Here’s what you’ll get in The Ultimate Closers MASTERCLASS…

⇒ Module 1: How Selling Is Changed – (The Internet and social media has changed the game)
⇒ Module 2: NEPQ – Having prospects sell themselves through a skilled step by step questioning system
⇒ Module 3: You’ll discover the “Instant Connection Process” so you can go much deeper with every prospect, much faster. Whether you are Calling Leads, cold calling, doing B to B, Door to Door, or if you are a coach or consultant. This process will make you CLOSE at much much faster and higher rate.
⇒ Module 4: Crush Your Competition – You’re going to learn the TWO truths question that will instantly bond your prospect to you and away from your competition.
⇒ Module 5: Eliminating Sales Resistance – You’re going to learn how to avoid “Trap Words” that cause your prospects to say NO
⇒ Module 7: How To Close Like A PRO – Master how to get your prospects to close themselves. You’ll never have to chase a prospect again, they’ll be the one’s chasing you

PLUS, You’ll also get these special bonuses when you get started today…

When you take action right now, you’ll be connected to one of my Level 1 Trainers (yes a real professional, not some ebook or weak video). Now you might be asking… “what’s a Level 1 Trainer and how do they help me – right now?”

Great question…

A Level 1 Trainer is someone who has personally been trained by me and knows my SYSTEM inside and out so they can help you start selling more, quickly. This person has been able to earn a minimum of $250,000 per year in PERSONAL commissions in their sales job.

Level 1 Trainers are at the top of their game and ready to help you be at the top of your game too!

Your Trainer will give you daily One-On-One training for 10 days to help you become a master sales professional. On this first 20 min call, we’ll create an actionable sales plan to reach your sales goals.

Here are the BONUSES you’ll get when you GET STARTED TODAY…

10 Live Calls with one of my LEVEL 1 Trainers teaching you this SYSTEM, so you can get into action FAST and start increasing your sales numbers right away… (a $197 value).
Personalized 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, and 1 Year ACTIONABLE sales game plan designed just for you to hit your sales goals for the entire year… (a $497 value).
Personalized attention so you can get your questions answered right away by a trained sales professional who will help you cut your learning curve by up to 90% so you can save time and make more sales right away… (a $197 value).
PLUS, you have nothing to lose…

I’m going to take ALL THE RISK so you can see for yourself that we’re the real deal and we care about helping you get RESULTS… right away!

When you take action right now, you’ll secure your spot with one of my TOP Level 1 trainers and get The Ultimate Closers MASTERCLASS for $197… only $7! (SAVE $190 OFF the reg price!)

Why It’s Just $197… $7!
I’m only charging $7 for this MASTERCLASS for a limited time only… for 3 reasons.

===> REASON #1: $7 puts the MASTERCLASS within reach of the vast majority of salespeople. It’s also not too expensive for even the humblest beginning salesperson.

===> REASON #2: Anyone who’s NOT serious enough about their sales career in 2017 to invest $7 into this MASTERCLASS isn’t going to take the time to use the methods laid out in the SYSTEM anyway.

===> REASON #3: Anyone who is SERIOUS enough to put down the price of a Starbucks™ coffee and buy this MASTERCLASS has the opportunity to quickly SKYROCKET THEIR SALES.

If you’re thinking, “$7 is so cheap! What’s the catch?”, there is no catch. I know we can help you SELL MORE and become one of the TOP 1% of sales professionals in the world.

I’m so confident in my SYSTEM and know that once YOU START GETTING RESULTS FIRST, you’ll think about upgrading to our more advanced level training and coaching.

This way you can let the RESULTS speak for themselves!

If you’re serious about becoming a TOP sales professional, and if you would like to start accelerating your sales FAST… click the “ADD-TO-CART” button below.

If you need to justify the expense, skip going to McDonald’s for dinner once this week and it’s paid for.

My “Double” You’ll Love It Guarantee…
Guarantee #1 If for any reason you think my MASTERCLASS isn’t the best $7 you’ve ever spent just send me an email and I’ll gladly refund you the whole $7 big cash dollars.

Guarantee #2 If you DO what I show you in this MASTERCLASS, and your results aren’t great… I’ll refund TWICE your money. All I ask is that you give me an honest effort.

How is that fair?

I’ll Only Be Making This OFFER For A Very LIMITED TIME ONLY, At This LOW Price…
Time is Very Much “Of the Essence”…

I can’t stress the time-sensitiveness of this offer enough.

Not only will these SPOTS go quickly (at which point the $190 discount will expire) and trust me, you don’t want to miss it… 

Click on the “Add To Cart” button below to SECURE YOUR SPOT now to get instant access to The Ultimate Closers MASTERCLASS, Risk-Free for just $7…

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 2GB

Also See: Scott Oldford – Skip The Pitch 5 Day Workshop

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