Frank Kern – The Core Four Program

Frank Kern – The Core Four Program

Frank Kern – The Core Four Program

Dear Friend,
First of all …thank you for joining me on my webinar.
I know it was long …and I hope it helped you.
Hey – you know what?
If you think about it, the fact you’re here is pretty solid …

Chances are, you …

A: Saw my stuff on Social Media (I got your attention, which is step one of the process.)
B: Opted in for something and became a lead at some point, (which is step two of the process).

C: Saw the offer for this class, which is step three of the process. And now this very letter is a way for me to …

D: FOLLOW UP. (Which is step four for the Core Four process.)

Nothing fancy …just the fundamentals applied properly.

And as you’ve seen …this Core Four approach is relevant to ANY business that wants to use the Internet to get customers.

(You need to do that NOW, by the way. The deadline is real.)
Now – as a quick recap, here’s how everything works:

  • What We’re Doing


  • We’re GETTING YOU KNOWN Using A Simple Three-Post Social Media Strategy That Anyone Can Implement. You’ll build an engaged audience of people who like you …and we’ll do it using organic (free) strategies as well as simple ads.(The ads are optional …but I’ll show you how to do it because you’ll probably like it.)
  • We’re Building An Email List Of People Who Really Like You.As you know, an email list of people who like and trust you is one of the most valuable things you can have in your business.There’s nothing quite like the feeling of hitting “send” and seeing sales come in as a result.Never gets old

Sales Page:  Download Files Size: 5.50GB

Also See: Rank Fortress – CTR Manipulation Mastermind

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