Facebook Restaurant Raider

Facebook Restaurant Raider

Restaurants are paying $500 cash to anyone who can set up Facebook’s new ‘order now’ service

Facebook Restaurant Raider

Facebook Order Now allows restaurants to
take delivery orders and reservations right on Facebook:

A single cold email is all it takes to book $500 payments:

Want a hot new service that sells itself to local restaurants?

Then you need to read the case studies on this page carefully because I’m about to reveal a simple service that restaurant owners are shelling out $500 cash to anyone who can provide it.

This service requires:

  • NO SEO
  • NO Complicated software
  • NO hard selling
  • NO coding or technical knowledge
  • NO previous experience
  • NO meeting business owners in person

You see Facebook recently released a new service called ‘Facebook Order Now’ that allows restaurants to collect delivery orders and reservations right through their facebook page.

They are trying to compete with companies like Open Table, delivery.com, Seamless, and others.

Facebook Order Now has been making headlines, and is fast becoming the go-to way to order food and make reservations on mobile devices:

Only a handful of restaurants are taking advantage of this service, and the ones that do are ranking above all others and capturing massive customer traffic:

Facebook order now simplifies the process of
taking delivery orders and reservations online:

  • Tap into a fast-growing audience of customers
  • Eliminate the need to take orders over the phone
  • Orders are placed inside Facebook, no need for websites, landing pages, or apps.
  • Integrates with any payment system the business owner wants to use

Taking orders and reservations directly through Facebook means restaurants can land more customers for every dollar they spend on Facebook ads:

I’ve been offering this service to restaurants since the first week Facebook Order Now went live.

Almost every client that took me up on this offer saw an IMMEDIATE boost in online orders and reservations just by adding this to their page.

Just look at some of the follow-up emails I got from restaurant owners:

Case Study 1: How to earn a fast $500
setting up Facebook Order Now for restaurants

Last week I made a list of 40 restaurants that were advertising on Facebook, but not signed up for the Order Now service. I sent each one an email offering to set up their page for them for a flat fee of $500.

Out of the 40 emails I sent, 12 wrote me back interested in the service ( none of them had heard of it before, even though they advertised on Facebook):

After following up, 5 of these restaurant owners paid me $500 to set up the service for them, earning me $2,500 for a week’s work.

1 of the clients also signed up for ad management services at $1,000 a month (learn how to sell this below)

Case study 2: How I landed a $20,000 check by
offering Facebook Order Now setup for FREE

One of my favorite strategies to sell local businesses is to offer them a service for free and let the results of that free service sell them on one of my higher ticket consulting programs.

Facebook Order Now is the perfect service to use this strategy because of the immediate results it can deliver. Just by adding order now to their Facebook pages, restaurants will see an immediate boost in delivery orders and reservations (most of the time they become the ONLY ones in their area using it).

A few weeks ago, I added Order Now to a restaurant’s page at no cost, and after they saw the deliveries it was generating, they signed up for my $2,000 monthly ad and lead management services to help them make the most of this service.

The client agreed to pay for a year of service in advance when I offered to give him 2 months free.

The end result was a $20,000 lump sum payment:

Combine 2 services to earn $2,000 a month

Want to earn a 6-figure income as a consultant?

How about as a consultant that only services 6 clients?

Well, by offering 2 follow up services to Facebook Order Now, you could earn up to $2,000 a month from each client (6 clients would net you $12k, $144k annually):

Service 1: $1,000 per month for Facebook lead-ad management

Service 2: $1,000 per month for lead management

Think about it: A client who pays $500 to set up Facebook’s Order Now service will want to make the most out of that investment and paying you to manage their Facebook ads will generate even more orders and reservations for them.

Likewise, clients will want to make the most out of the leads Facebook Order Now generates (each customer that orders gets added to an email list, more on that later), and so it makes sense to pay you to manage their leads and turn them into customers.

This strategy is called: Sunk Cost Selling.

It’s a strategy that only works IF you can truthfully and ethically deliver on your promise ( this also keeps them locked in and paying you for years)

YOU don’t need that many clients at $2,000 a month to earn a healthy income.

6 clients is already $144,000 a year.

Now is the best time to get in on this un-tapped Facebook Service

This is just beginning of Facebook’s Order Now service. Facebook will continue to grow and promote the service, making it the goto way for people to order food and make reservations online.

The restaurants that jump on this early will immediately show up at the top of the list, and capture all the traffic that this service is already generating.

Only a handful of restaurants have set this up on their Facebook page, and NO marketing agencies are currently offering this to their clients.

YOU can be the first to offer this to restaurants in your local area…

YOU can become the go-to consultant for restaurants who want this service as it gains in popularity

YOU can take advantage of the IMMEDIATE results clients see just by being listed on this new service.

$500 is an affordable price for restaurant owners that have them jumping all over this and makes the sale easy for you.

All it takes is a single cold email to get them on the hook:

There are 620,000 restaurants in the United States alone, and less than 4% are using Facebook’s service to book deliveries and reservations.

This is a ground floor with far more clients that need this than there are consultants who can offer it.

So to help my coaching students get in on this gold mine, I put together a series of checklists, training, and sales material that anyone can use to jump-start a Facebook marketing for restaurants business.

I call this package: The Facebook Restaurant Raider

Facebook Restaurant Raider is a brand new, done-for-you system that lands $500 checks from local restaurants to set them up on Facebook’s Order Now service.

Take a look at what you are getting in this Facebook marketing business in a box:

First, you’re getting my famous ‘Raider’ checklists that break down this entire business into easy to follow, step by step instructions.

My ‘raider’ series has been the best selling and best-reviewed products that I’ve ever released. Customers from all walks of life are seeing results:

Facebook Restaurant Raider breaks down every step into a series of checklists that you can follow to build a Facebook Marketing business. Checklists are by far the best way to learn a business model because they are easy to follow and ensures you NEVER miss a step like watching a long training series and then going off to do it on your own.

Checklist 1: Restaurant prospecting and client sales

Follow this checklist to assemble a list of the hottest restaurant prospects, quickly find their owner’s direct contact information, and use a series of copy & paste sales emails that take you from initial contact all the way to landing your $500 payment.

The checklist includes:

  • Restaurant targeting criteria so you only sell to the hottest prospects who will want this service.
  • Lead sources to find the direct contact information of restaurant owners quickly Copy & paste sales materials taking you from first contact all the way through the sale.
  • Rebuttal emails for any objection a client may throw at you.

Checklist 2: Facebook Order Now Setup & Delivery

Follow this checklist to get your paying clients set up on Facebook Order Now in under an hour.

Your client will be:

  • Ranked at the top of results for restaurants in Facebook.
  • Set up to take delivery orders inside Facebook.
  • Set up to take reservations inside Facebook.
  • Accepting payments online for deliveries.
  • All their menu items displayed right on Facebook.

Bonus Checklist: Facebook ad/lead management service for Facebook.

Earn up to $2,000 per client (mid-sized restaurants) for managing their Facebook ads and email leads.

This checklist will walk you through profitable Facebook advertising and lead management for restaurants including:

  • Location-based targeting for deliveries
  • Target upcoming birthdays with free meals
  • Steal customers from your client’s competitors (biz owners LOVE this)
  • How to collect email leads when reservations are made Set up promotions for every holiday
  • Promote the restaurant’s events and specials
  • Generate leads through coupon and free meal offers.

These checklists alone can land you $500 checks quickly, and turn those one time clients into repeat $2,000 per month ad management clients.

Yet to make Facebook Restaurant Raider the last consulting system you will ever need, I’m including 2 extra bonus modules:

BONUS Module 1: Advanced Facebook Marketing For Restaurants

Charge clients thousands of dollars for additional marketing service using the included cloud software system that handles everything your client needs like:

  • Backend delivery and reservation system delivery.com and other delivery site integrations
  • Branded mobile app for food clients (HUGE seller for my clients)
  • Receive and confirm orders from smartphone or tablet
  • Online credit card processing for the restaurant

BONUS Module 2: Client ‘daycare’ outsourcing

This bonus will allow you to offer SEO, social media, site design, and a host of other services to your clients maximizing the amount of money you earn from each one.

This outsourcing company will handle all of the work for less than half the fees you charge clients.

Services you can offer include:

  • Full-service facebook content and ad management
  • SEO services Local SEO and Google Place ranking
  • Adwords ad management
  • Website, mobile site, mobile app design

YOU become the only consultant your client every needs with a team of outsourcers behind you to provide anything they want.

The best part is you do no work. You just offer these services to the client’s you land offering Facebook Order Now setup, and the outsourcing agency handles all the work.

Your clients even get their own dashboard to update them on the work they are paying for:

And to make sure you can make the most of the ‘raider’ checklists, I’ve put together a massive training series on running a Facebook marketing agency for local restaurants.

This series will walk you through the basics, all the way through advanced sales tactics and strategies to service clients.

Inside you will learn:

  • How to run this business discreetly in your spare time – With no cost out of pocket you can get started today. No one has to know about your new venture as a consultant until after the first payment arrives in your bank account.
  • How to get paid for exclusive deals with your clients – You can collect a surcharge on all your fees when you agree to only work with one business in a particular niche in any city. Not only will this bring in extra cash every month, but the fear of their competitor hiring you also creates urgency making biz owners hire you faster, and locking you into long-term contracts.
  • The ‘Low-Hanging-Fruit’ search formula that uncovers the most receptive prospects – I’ve been closing 1 in 5 businesses found with a simple ‘client search formula’ that only returns the biz owners who are already spending money on Facebook ads and are receptive to Video ad management (Over a year of trial an error testing every lead source). Spend less time selling and more time creating fun videos for clients who are eager to pay you top dollar for this service.
  • My go-to lead source to find the direct contact information for any restaurant owner – Make sure your messages get read every time and close more $500 deals.
  • The ‘try me out’ rebuttal that works for 90% of client objections – I use the same rebuttal to every objection a client throws at me… No more fumbling your words of having to think up/look up a response to send when they get back to you with an objection.
  • Full video walkthrough of Facebook’s Order Now Service – Follow along with the included over the shoulder videos that will walk you through setting up your first Order Now campaign for a client. You’ll be a pro, able to offer this to any restaurant once you go through the video.
  • How to use ‘sunk cost’ selling to land $2,000 a month ad management deals – Client’s will want to make the most of their Order Now pages and are paying up to $2,000 a month for ad and lead management services (PLUS how to get them to pay $20,000 up front for a year’s service by offering 2 months free.)
  • How to legally incentivize good reviews on Yelp using Facebook ads – Restaurants live or die by their Yelp reviews. This strategy uses Facebook ads to flood their Yelp page with 5 start reviews putting them far ahead of any competition.
  • How to target people near the restaurant with Facebook ads – Facebook monitors the location of everyone using their app which allows you to target anyone within walking distance of your client’s restaurant with lunch deals, coupons, and other offers to flood their location with patrons.
  • How to set up custom audiences for your clients – 90% of business owners are not taking advantage of Facebook custom audiences… The most valuable traffic source in Facebook advertising. Generate custom audiences from their website, email list, even their competitors facebook pages and charge your clients extra monthly fees to compile the lists.
  • How to target your client’s competitors and steal their customers – Client’s LOVE when you use this strategy to target visitors of their competitor’s pages and steal away customers.
  • Target people who have a birthday coming up with free meal coupons – This ad strategy has the highest ROI out of any campaign I’ve run for restaurant clients. Pro Tip: You can target people who have a friend with an upcoming birthday, and give them a coupon to treat their friend to a free meal.

This is the same training my private coaching students have been using to build their Facebook marketing agencies.

Hear what they had to say:

You give me 30 minutes a day to send out 5 emails
I will give you 3 clients… guaranteed!

Legally I can’t guarantee that you will make money with Facebook Restaurant Raider, or with any home business opportunity.

In fact, most people don’t make any money at all, because frankly… MOST people don’t take any action with the programs they buy.

These checklists will not earn you a dollar if you don’t follow them, and there is no way for me to force you to put the time in and actually do the work.

So if you are the type of person who is looking for free money without having to do any work, I’m sorry this isn’t for you.

However, if you are willing to put these checklists to work, I am willing to guarantee your satisfaction.

So here’s the deal: Take these checklists and follow along for a full 60 days. Send out 5 emails each day to restaurant owners offering Facebook Order Now service.

If you don’t land, at least 3 clients paying you $500 each…

If you don’t land at least one client paying a $1,000… or $2,000 monthly retainer for your services…

Or if you are not satisfied with the results, you see from this product or any reason at all…

Just send me a support ticket with the word ‘REFUND,’ and I will send you back every penny.

No questions asked, and no hassles.

Your satisfaction with the results you get is guaranteed.

Ok Luther I’m in, how much will this cost me?

Facebook Restaurant Raider is everything you need to earn $500 cash form local restaurants if in under a week…

As well as $1000 a month selling ad management services to your new clients.

So, let me ask you:

How much would you pay for these checklists if you were guaranteed to earn $500 every time you use them?

My private coaching students pay me $2,500 to be the first to get their hands on every checklist I produce.

The ones who got their hands on these checklists early made their investment back in a week and went on to earn thousands more following through and booking long-term clients.

My normal price for training programs, when sold on webinars, is $97, which I’m sure you’d agree is an absolute bargain.

Yet before I reveal today’s pre-launch price, I have two more bonuses to add as a bribe for you to try out Facebook Restaurant Raider:

48-Hour Bonus 1: Restaurant Management WordPress Theme

This bonus software will allow you to create professional websites for restaurants complete with:

Built-in reservation system Professional design and stock images Built-in SEO and local SEO features Menu system showing all food options

Customers are selling this theme to restaurants for $1200 and up:

Bonus Value: $97

48-Hour Bonus 2: Marketing Agency WordPress Theme

This WordPress theme is the theme I recommend to my customers when they are starting out and want to build their personal website.

One look at this site and any business owner will know they are dealing with a professional.

Built-in lead capture will build your email list, and help you build rapport, and sell clients on your services.

Bonus Value: $97

That brings the total value of this package to $297

However, you are not going to pay $297 for this package.

Nope. Not even half that.

I am offering a special pre-launch discount sale for the first 48 hours, LIMITED to the first couple of sales.

You are getting everything:

  • The Facebook Restaurant Raider Checklists ( $97 value)
  • Full walk-through training videos ( $47 value)
  • Bonus outsourcing modules ( $97 value)
  • Bonus advanced management modules ( $97 value)
  • The Super Bonus restaurant WordPress theme ( $97 value)
  • The Super Bonus Agency WordPress theme ( $97 value)

Sales Page:  Download Files Size: 323MB

Also See: Scott Oldford – Omnipresence In 7 Days Masterclass

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