Draye Redfern – Legal Marketing Fundamentals

Draye Redfern – Legal Marketing Fundamentals

Learn How to Ethically Compel Your Prospects To Do Business with you!

Crush Your Competition, Master Your Marketing & Elevate Your Law Practice…

…without Spending a Boatload on Advertising or Getting an MBA

Draye Redfern – Legal Marketing Fundamentals

Join The Legal Marketing Fundamentals Course Today and Gain Immediate Access to Over 20 Jam-Packed Video Lessons that Will Help You Exponentially Grow Your Law Practice

You’ll Have Full Lifetime Access to:

  • Over 20 Video Lessons on the how to Improve your Marketing, Sales & Follow up inside of your law practice
  • How to systemize your law firms processes to ensure that your future successes are both predictable and scalable
  • Ways to discover your “Perfect Client”
  • Convert more Prospects to Paying Clients
  • How to automate engagement & personalized connections after a consultation so you can exponentially improve your consultation closing ratio
  • Create an endless amount of “Wow” moments for your clients and prospects
  • How to properly track your marketing successes so you can spend more on what works and eliminate what doesn’t work
  • How to engage and build an incredible amount of rapport with clients and prospects in an offline environment
  • Various ways to elevate your status towards becoming a Legal Thought Leader

Your Legal Marketing Fundamentals Instructor:

Draye Redfern
Founder of Ultimate Attorney

Draye is the creator and founder of Ultimate Attorney, one of the leading online content and education platforms for attorneys across the world.

Draye also serves as Chief Operating Officer of Daniels-Head Insurance Agency which provides professional liability insurance solutions to more than 8,600 law firms annually across the United States.

In addition, Draye is also the President of Redfern Media, a marketing and consulting agency that helps Professional Service providers such as: accountants, financial advisors and attorneys expand their businesses through marketing.

Bonus #1:

This lesson is seriously so TOP SECRET that I can’t even write about it here…

In fact, simply writing a description about this amazing lesson would be all that you would need to steal one of the tools that I use to consistently WOW prospects, clients, friends and even my wife!!

When I share this information with my consulting clients (who pay me per hour) you can literally see their eyes widen as they imagine the incredible amount of possibilities for their business.

The best part is that it can be implemented in seconds and with hardly any effort.

You really need to try this…

Bonus #2:
How to Produce Your Own Video Content For Marketing & Social Media
(with my personal equipment list)

In this jam packed BONUS lesson I am going to show you exactly what it takes to shoot your own videos, content and promotional material in order to maximize your presence online.

If you hire a videographer to shoot video for your website or social media pages you should expect to pay between $3,000 – $10,000 to have your video recorded, edited and rendered for your use.

This may be a tough pill to swallow for some law firms…

Especially if you want to put video content out every month!!!

In this Exclusive BONUS lesson I am going to walk you though:

  • How we set up & recorded every single lesson in this course
  • The cameras, microphones & tripods that we used so you can replicate our exact set-up for your own videos
  • The types of video equipment to use depending on your video goals
  • And the Pros & Cons of various cameras

Are you looking for ways to have professional looking videos for your social media pages?

Want cool infinite white background videos that resemble Apple’s product launch videos?

Heck! Why wouldn’t you want to emulate an industry leader?!?

Worried about spending thousands on video equipment that may not get the job done?

In this lesson, we will answer all of these questions, and more!

But, not only that —

I am going to do you a Huge Favor and set up links to each and every piece of equipment that we used so that you don’t have to go hunting across the internet trying to find the same products.

This will make it incredibly easy to get the same exact quality shots that we have in the course, without having to stress or spend hours wondering about what equipment you need to buy…

This will allow you to easily create content everyday for a fraction of what you would pay someone else.

Over the past few years, my wife (she’s a world renowned photographer) and I have literally spent well over on cameras and video equipment, and this lesson will show you the most affordable equipment that yields the highest quality of professional results.

I want you to be able to market your business with the highest level of success and professionalism and after you watch this lesson, I’m confident that you will have all the tools and resources necessary to truly make your videos stand out from every other attorney in the market…

Bonus #3:
The ONE Lesson That Cost Me Over

In this final BONUS lesson, I am going to share the single concept that took me four years and more than to fully come to terms with.

Yes, I know that’s a lot of money and a good chunk of time….

Maybe I’m hard headed…

Even if I am, I have a sneaking suspicion that you and I are incredibly similar when it comes to this ONE thing.

This lesson is as “Real as it Gets” and I know you will finish the course with an incredible amount of pride and accomplishment.

It’s my hope that this lesson will cause a paradigm shift in the way that you view your marketing, your messaging and the mediums in which you communicate.

The concept is simple, elegant and a lesson that should not be missed.


If you have made it this far, then you know that this course offers…

Sales Page:  http://ultimateattorney.clickfunnels.com/legal-marketing-sales-page

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