Corona Pickup by John Anthony (JMULV)

Corona Pickup by John Anthony (JMULV)

John Anthony (JMULV) – Corona Pickup

Are you tired of Corona Virus cockblocking you?

Are you fed up with social distancing?

Are you tired of no new women during the pandemic?

If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then I can tell you this:

I am getting laid like crazy during the Corona Virus Pandemic

And you can too.

Corona Pickup by John Anthony (JMULV)

About your instructor – John Anthony

My name is John Anthony and I am here to help you have more sex than ever while guys are home frustrated and jerking off.

Since 2011, I made it my mission to get good at… no. Be the BEST at this.

This pandemic does not need to stop your progress and results with women

My dream back in the day was to hit 100 lifetime lays. I thought it was impossible.

Fast forward to 2020, and I am at 1223 lays as I am writing this.


But I know better than any dating coach how to adapt and optimize no matter what the situation.

Corona Virus has swept the globe and it is here to fuck shit up for a long time.

Point is, you can still CRUSH if you adapt properly.
And trust me, I have made the ultimate Corona Virus system.
And no this is not one of those sleazy marketing tactics to capitalize on the current situation with the virus.

Many guys have stopped getting laid.

Bars and nightclubs are closed. Venues for dates are closed. Social dynamics are fucked up.
However, I have innovated utilizing my immense knowledge of the game and leveraging my analytical abilities.

I have a system that can get you laid EVEN MORE than when Corona Virus was not even around.

No joke.

Most pickup and seduction systems out there are worthless.

Some of them have an incomplete or non-optimized strategy.

These dating instructors promise results that they can’t get themselves.
As you can guess the student would NEVER progress or at least learn very slowly.

Most dating coaches are telling you that you are going to have to wait out the Corona Virus Storm.

That dating is on hold because of quarantines and stay-home orders.

But guys, there is another way…

I want to help you get laid like a Rockstar during this extended pandemic.
See, it’s no fun jerking off home alone frustrated and lonely.

Banging lots of hot chicks is much more fun.

My goal is to make you a rockstar with women during this pandemic.

And all the special skills you learn can STILL be used after the pandemic is over.

I have taken 15+ years of experience and 1,200+ girls slept with around the world to ADAPT…

With my critical and analytical mind, I pushed online games on steroids to their LIMITS.

That left me with…

That’s how Corona Pickup is born.

Corona Pickup by John Anthony (JMULV)


Part 1 of 5 – Know What To Do: The Masterclass

The theory section covers literally EVERYTHING you need to know about games during this pandemic. It cuts out all the fluff and bullshit.

How to make your profile pictures and description during this Corona Virus time to optimize the number of matches you get.

A POWERFUL secret to massively crank up the volume of matches and LEADS that go into your funnel from the online game.

Know which apps to use to get the highest quantity and quality of girls into your life.

Know exactly what to text the girls on the apps and over text for every possible situation.

Literally copy my updated flowcharts so all your messages on the apps and over text are DONE FOR YOU. NO GUESSWORK!

You can literally copy and paste texts from my flowchart to get them moved to text messages and get the meet-up.

Learn how to deal with all the Corona Virus related objections with ease.

Effortlessly deal with what she throws at you so that you can get the meetup.

They call me the “WOLF OF WALLSTREET” of Pickup, that is because I will teach you how to deal with any objections imaginable to coming over to your house or meeting in public at a special location still open during the pandemic.

Get access to my field-tested ultra-optimized Corona Virus SCRIPTS to literally become a ladies’ man overnight.

I will show you how to get into the girl’s brain and make her addicted to you like CRACK COCAINE.

Learn exactly what to do once you have the girl back at your place with every escalation step explained in full detail.

I will show you the best ways to get the girl straight over to your place. But for those girls that ultimately refuse straight to the house…

You will also learn my clever adaptation to still have public dates when all else fails for the girl agreeing to come straight to the house.

Once your volume of leads gets unmanageable (WHICH IT WILL), know how to screen if the girl is DOWN TO FUCK (DTF)

You will have a CRYSTAL CLEAR understanding of EVERY little aspect of what a good game during Corona Virus is and should be.

You will have a CRYSTAL CLEAR set of scripts to follow to determine if she is down to hook up or not.




Only the most efficient and optimized strategy is conceived in the whole industry.

Now unveiled to you.

Corona Pickup by John Anthony (JMULV)

Part 2 of 5 – See How It’s Done: The Flowcharts

All my Corona Virus pickup/game adaptations for you to follow sequentially for every situation.
I am giving you the weapons and ammo to annihilate with online dating during Corona Virus. Rather than admit defeat from this pandemic, you can instead utilize all my tips and tricks to make the most of this unique time to GET LAID MORE THAN EVER.

Flowcharts for messages on the site, for messages on the app, for how to get her straight over to the house, for how to answer her specific coronavirus objections, etc.

And if you have my Leads Machine product, don’t worry, this has many more new additions that are specific to Corona Virus and it has my latest and greatest optimized and evolved scripts.

Part 3 of 5: Absorb The Knowledge: The Worksheets

The worksheets are designed to help you digest the content and avoid information overload. Skip those at your own risk. Every question is carefully designed to make you understand and remember every concept I am talking about.

See there is 4 level of competence: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, unconscious competence. These worksheets are designed to get you to have unconscious competence.

Answering questions by actually writing your answer moves you from a passive state of learning to an ACTIVE state of learning. That way, not only you will remember every concept but also you will find yourself having a PLAN OF ACTION before going out.

Avoid plateauing and spinning your wheels by having a laser focus on those game concepts before applying them in the field. So when you do seduction, you know what to focus on and what to practice.

Going through those worksheets makes you internalize the knowledge 10 times better and faster.


I wanted to make this a no-brainer for you guys so I am guaranteeing a 15-minute call with ME PERSONALLY (not my staff).

We can go over any specific topic, issues, questions, or sticking points that you choose.

This is your chance to talk to me (John Anthony) 1 on 1 and finally meet the guy you have been following on YouTube.

I normally charge $300-$400/hr for personal Skype coaching so this is worth the product cost on its own!

Part 5 of 5: FREE MONTH in my Mastermind Mentorship Group on Facebook

To make this even more of a no-brainer for you guys….you will get a free month in my mastermind group.

Weekly FB Lives on “Secret Sauce” Topics Given by me (John Anthony) personally.

Able to ask John Anthony questions 24/7 in the group that he answers all personally.

Normally $100/month but you will get 50% off lifetime access if you decide to continue after your free month.

A great way to get my expert input and learn from your peers who have my system as well.

Sales Page: Download Files Size: 1.39 GB

Also, See: Cardinal Mason – Creative Email Marketing

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