Charley Pangus – Master Merch Design

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Charley Pangus – Master Merch Design

Charley Pangus – Master Merch Design

Charley Pangus is a master merch designator who specializes in creating and designing unique merchandise and apparel for businesses and organizations. He has a wealth of experience in the industry, with a proven track record of successful projects. His innovative designs have been used by a number of well-known brands, and he is highly sought-after for his unique style and creative vision.


  1. Introduction
    1. Welcome To The Academy
    2. Community + Keys To Success
    3. T-Shirt Mockups
  1. Section 1: Mastering Photoshop
    1. Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts
    2. Document Setup + Customizing Workspace
    3. Menu Systems
    4. Essential Tools (Pen Tool, Eraser, Shapes, Type + More)
    5. Essential Tools Part 2 + Layer Styles, Layer Masks & Clipping Masks
    6. Raster Vs Smart Object Layers
  1. Chapter 2: Basic Design Principles
    1. Grid Systems
    2. Visual Hierarchy
    3. Visual Hierarchy (PDF Download)
  1. Chapter 3: Font Basics
    1. Finding & Installing Fonts + Licenses
    2. Customizing Type Using Layer Styles + Warps
    3. Font Download
  1. Chapter 4: Designing Basic Graphics
    1. Design A Badge (Using Type On A Path + Layer Styles)
    2. Create A Design Using Vector Graphics
  1. Chapter 5: Texturing
    1. Texture Using Custom Brushes
    2. Texturing Using Images & Blend Modes
    3. Texturing Using Displacement Maps
    4. Texturing With the Vintage Plastisol Brushset With Zac Shiffer
    5. Jpg Texture Downloads


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