Brian Johnson – Optimize Coach

Brian Johnson – Optimize Coach


Master yourself. Serve heroically. Empower others to do the same.
Let’s change the world. One person at a time. Together. Starting with you and us. Today.

Brian Johnson – Optimize Coach

“The magic juice of this program has been the combination of three awesome aspects: the quality of the content + the intensity of the learning + the inclusion of my whole life as a daily focus. This has equaled a huge transformation for me across my whole life. I am now consistently confident, I am clear in my thinking and focused on the most important stuff, and I’m getting it all done – without the stress.”

Become a Certified Optimize Coach
in 300 Days, With Just a
Few Hours per Week

​​Optimize Coach Overview

300-Day Guided Program

Learn + apply the best of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science in just a few hours each week.

Study Anytime, Anywhere

Watch or listen (via desktop or app) and build your personal daily protocol — all on your schedule.

Join World-Class Experts

Connect with leading authors & teachers in virtual Live Coaching sessions up to 10x per month.

Be Held Accountable

Step up to the Standards for Certification and support your Optimize Buddy to do the same.

Optimize Energy, Work, & Love

Change your life via a scientifically-proven protocol — and learn to Coach the same process.

Masters & Coaches

Be a virtuous, heroic leader — whether you’re a startup CEO, a super-parent, or a Pro Coach.

Brian Johnson – Optimize Coach - GETWSODO

“I am more self-aware… My spirit is stronger… I am more consistent… By far the best “self development” or “life coaching” investment I have ever made – at any price.”

Express the Best Version of Yourself
More and More Consistently

A 300-Day Step-by-Step Program

​​The best wisdom and biggest ideas from Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science — spanning over 600 books, teachers, and traditions from every domain of Optimal Living — distilled into a single practical program that you can do anywhere and complete on your schedule.

“I already had 2 coaching certifications, but Optimize Coach was indisputably the most valuable I have taken – for me personally and the people I work with. I can’t express my gratitude enough for what you are all doing and the community you have created.”

Let’s Change the World. One Person at a Time. Together. Starting With
You and Us. Today.

Connect With Our World-Class Faculty

Team Optimize is joined by world-leading experts in productivity, peak performance, psychology, entrepreneurship, behavioral change, and more — including ground-breaking researchers, former Navy SEALS, best-selling authors, and elite Coaches. All to help you master every facet of your life, and help others do the same.

“The Optimize program has led me to understand myself better, and the importance of self-mastery and taking care of myself first so that I may have a larger impact on the world. It has always been hard for me to say “no” or admit I need guidance, but Brian and the Optimize team have opened a new door for me that has ultimately made my coaching practice and my personal life richer and more vibrant.”

Master Every Facet of Your Life

Join an Inspired Community

Form life-changing relationships with a community of Optimizers who are ALL-IN on actualizing their potential in service to the world. Connect with a global network of entrepreneurs, professional coaches, parents, executives, teachers, doctors, artists, athletes, therapists, and more through Live Coaching in our virtual Optimizing Dojo, an individually-matched Optimize Buddy, the Optimize Social platform, and in-person community events.

“I had no idea how much the Optimize coaching program would change my life. With the compassionate and steadfast support of our teachers, the Optimize team, my coaching buddy and the community, I felt respected, seen and heard even in a sea of 1000+ participants. The practical and intelligent teachings melding the wisdom of the ages with modern science provided a structure for accountability and growth. I now have simple, doable daily tools to optimize each day and boldly approach life’s inevitable obstacles. I can actually dare to move into growth, welcome setbacks and wave my magic wand to manifest my own future and hopefully help others create theirs.”

Join 3,000+ Coaches
from 90+ Countries

Earn Your Optimize Coach Certification

Demonstrate expertise of the Optimize Protocol — Theory plus Practice plus Mastery — expressing the best version of yourself more and more consistently in Energy, Work, and Love, while being held accountable to our daily habit-based standards. Upon completing the Optimize Coach program, celebrate your achievement with other graduates from around the world as we re-commit to being the change we want to see and giving our families, communities and world all we’ve got.

“It has been life changing. I’ve created an energy I have not had in 20 years. I’ve lost 12 pounds in the last 3 months and am about 5 pounds from my ideal weight. I could go on and on. I would highly recommend going through the Optimize Coach program, even if you are a busy executive. You will learn how to have energized tranquility, have more energy, optimize your weight, sleep better, cuss less, be more present with others, use your smart phone and email less, and enjoy life and others much more than you do now. It has been amazing.”

Become an Energized, Virtuous, Heroic Leader

Experience Scientifically-Measurable Change

You should count on your training to actually work, which is why we’ve partnered with one of the world’s leading wellness labs to empirically validate the efficacy of our approach. Early results are compelling. In the words of our research partner, the data shows that, “Bottom line: the program seems to have massively positive effects!” (They also said that the effect sizes are “like getting hit by a bus, but in a good way.”)

“​​The Optimize Coach program has been AWESOME and life-changing. I went through a major life change this past year and I not only survived, but thrived. The program kept me sane, on track, and focused. Holding us to high standards helped me implement the old (and new) practices into my daily life. My self-talk has improved greatly. I am on the ascent to Mt. Everest…and I AM GOING TO MAKE IT! Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Let’s Be the Change, Together

What Will Your Story Be?

Explore Optimize Coach through the experiences of past (and current!) participants: people just like you, who committed to Optimizing their lives and actualizing their potential.

“The program kicked my ass — in a good way! Being an experienced (and I think a pretty decent) coach, I thought Optimize Coach would be a nice addition to my coach resources, but not ‘rock my world’ kinda thing. Instead, I’ve found that I’m being rocked at a very fundamental level, and noticed big shifts in my life and my coaching. A huge thank you!”

It’s Time: Join Optimize Coach

Let’s change the world. One person at a time. Together. Starting with you and us. Today.

Our Commitment

We’re committed to giving you our absolute best in helping you become the most virtuous, heroic, energized, best version of yourself — so that you can most powerfully help others do the same, and so that we all have the strength to change the world together.

We intend to make Optimize Coach the most astonishingly priced program in terms of money invested to return on your life.

And, very importantly (!!!), the cash you invest will be the SMALLEST part of your investment. Expect to pay a LOT in terms of time and energy and courage and grit and actually DOING THE WORK.

In fact, if you *are* doing the work and *haven’t* noticed an impact on your life within the first 60 days, we’ll refund your payment. (And if at any point during the course of the program you decide that Optimize Coach isn’t for you, we’ll work with you to find a solution and make it right.)

Get Reimbursed by Your Employer

Want help getting reimbursed by your employer? Click here to download a proposal template. Most organizations are happy to reimburse tuition expenses for professional development.

Want to Build an Unstoppable Team?

Bring out the best in your organization by bringing out the best in each member of your team. Build collective confidence, increase productivity, focus, and quality of work — while also supporting your employees to thrive beyond the workplace.

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