Andy Hafell – Tube Takeoff 2.0

Andy Hafell – Tube Takeoff 2.0

Get Your Entire YouTube Automation Business Set Up… In The Next 30 Days… No Experience, Knowing What To Say, or Being Comfortable On Video Required!

Are You Ready To Take The 30 DAY YouTube Automation Challenge?

Andy Hafell – Tube Takeoff 2.0

Finally A Step-By-Step Video Course That Reals The..

“Unique Way To Grow, Monetize And
Automate Your Youtube Channel To 100K Subs
Without Ever Having To Make Videos”

Anywhere In The World, Part-time Without Any Experience

I was a skeptic..

I can’t make Passive income on YouTube?

Only people that are charismatic with a big and amazing lifestyle can make money on YouTube… right?

If you’re here, then you’re most likely looking for a way to generate a consistent passive income online…

Am I right?

Maybe you want the freedom to be able to bring home the bacon (pounds of it) while doing whatever the heck you want…

Whenever you want to?

Such as…

Andy Hafell
Shows YouTubers how to
get far more views and
sales in far less time
using simple
no-face videos

Blowing on a new MacBook just because you were bored…

Taking a vacation to an exotic location and it DOESN’T dent your bank account a single bit…

Upgrading to a bigger crib just for the heck of it…

Look, I know this might seem too good to be true.

However, me and most importantly my students have been able to experience huge success online.

Truth be told though, you can ALSO experience struggling. A ton of it.

Times have changed. Like it or not, but certain ways to make passive income simply DON’T work anymore.

You could also do things like…

“I Was Quickly Going Down The Painful Road Of Trial And Error With No Passive Income In Sight”

  • Try to buy cheap products and sell on Shopify or Amazon, where the chinese powerhouse will lowball you whatever you do…
  • Invest in the stock market and get a measly 8% yearly return – and that’s if you’re lucky! and there is not a big massive pandemic or recession
  • Chain yourself to a desk to write a best selling book (or a few) – if you’re able to compete with already established best-selling authors…
  • ​Invest in real estate and rent it out to others – if you have a spare to invest…

Let’s face it…

Doesn’t the above just sound like a recipe for total failure for someone like you?

The good news is, there’s a BETTER way.

And it doesn’t involve finding $100k+ to invest in real estate, being chained to a desk at your 9-5, or getting measly, wimpy returns from the fat cats on Wall Street.

Chances are, you know what affiliate marketing is…

It’s simple — you sell other people’s products, and when a transaction is made, you get a percentage of the sale.

Affiliate marketing is HUGE.

And I’ve figured out a way to automate it that’s never failed me or my students.

Therefore, turning it into passive income.

Companies like Amazon, Best Buy, Clickbank are paying out billions of dollars in commissions to thousands of people just like you.

And what if I told you that they are doing a lot of the work for you?

They make the products. They manage the support team. They hire coders.

If you were to create your own product, it’s not cheap. Far from it!

When you start youtube and affiliate marketing you will have…


“Tube Takeoff” is a digital video course featuring a mixture of hard Youtube teaching and instruction, along with psycho analysis of Youtube Videos working for me, and sometimes for my other members.

So you’ll see what’s worked and what didn’t work… What I’m doing in various niches (I have 4 channels now)… How I’m building my channels… And how you can apply what I’m doing to your Youtube Channels.

Each Module is packed with actionable techniques (and even templates, in some cases) designed to…

Get Your Channel
Lots Of Views and
Sales The Same Day
You Use Them!

Sales Page:

Download Files Size: 21.3GB


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